Evolution of One Demanding B Part Four: The world’s worst employee
July 21, 2021
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Evolution of One Demanding B Part Five: From side hustle to small business owner

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Contract work?  Who do I have to  . . .

Contract work sounded like fun.  Get a call now and then, get a file now and then, draft a demand in yoga pants and a tee shirt.  It was good work for a part-time side hustle.

Then the firm I was working with broke up, and I decided I did not want to be tied to someone “giving” me a job.  Anything that is “given” can be taken away again.

I put together marketing materials and  determined a fair flat-fee schedule.  After remembering trial experiences from the paralegal’s desk, where I reached out to experts, herded the cats, assisted with the best dog and pony show the attorney could put on — and then had to call these same experts and ask for a fee reduction because the jury found the client less sympathetic than we did.

I set up a “heart-centered” sliding scale fee reduction.  Sometimes we don’t get the settlement we had in mind.  I get that, and so I have boundaries in place where my fees are reduced automatically to reflect this.  On the other hand, if we are all fat, dumb, and happy, then why should you or I take a haircut?

One Demanding B

So here I am today.  Beth Rees, one demanding B.  I am finally the boss of me.  I use my resources to help personal injury attorneys get more done by staying on top of promises made and ensuring that the work moves forward.  I have clients who have expressed surprise and delight that when they leave the office, they come back to work performed, rather than an employee who requires constant supervision and checking in with.

Give me a call or drop me a line and let’s see how I can help you demand more.